Following completion of a gas commercialisation study undertaken by io, and a competent person’s report by RPS Energy consultants limited, io is pleased to announce its client, Aminex PLC, has confirmed the feasibility of developing the Ntorya gas field, in Tanzania, for commercial production.

The io study indicated, based on reasonable assumptions, that Ntorya could be developed with three wells, two of which have already been drilled and tested. io also demonstrated an early production system, which will limit upfront capital expenditure and enable cash-flow funded further development, is a realistic and achievable proposition.

Richard Dyson, CEO, said:

“The confirmation of the feasibility of Ntorya is great news for Aminex, io is pleased to have deployed its holistic approach to help another client unlock a development. I am delighted that io has been able to support Aminex on this strategically important gas field. I look forward to continuing to build a long-term collaborative relationship with them.”